In much of the technological world, wires are a necessary evil. You have to fight with tangled masses of them that are often either much too long or too short for your setup. The good news is that you can cut the cord on many of the devices you work with. Wireless keyboards, mice, and printers are just the beginning. You can also connect to the Internet, network with other computers, and even sync your Palm or other handheld device wirelessly. But how? "Mac User's Guide to Living Wirelessly" will help you escape the wired world. This comprehensive reference provides you with information about many different types of wireless technology, from peripheral devices to Bluetooth-enabled cell phones and PDAs. You'll learn how to create, manage, and use wireless networks, as well as how to take advantage of wireless opportunities while traveling. You'll even pick up some very cool wireless tricks along the way. If you're ready to break those wires that bind you, then this book is for you!