The series As if it should have been a quarry named for the American poet Robert Frost's 1954 poem Directive, was shot in 2011 in Iceland -a country in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean positioned directly above a continental divide, making it the site of frequent seismic and volcanic activity. Inspired by the story of a small village there whose inhabitants dug themselves out of the ash of a volcano that erupted without warning one January morning in 1973, this body of work seeks to investigate the way in which one reconciles oneself to impermanence through living with a continuity that suggests the infinite, and how a piece of land can be a reflection of one's countenance and vice versa, like maps in conversational flux with one another. Through considering the passage of time in its relation to both physical and emotional space is to allow for an innate metaphysical inquiry to be explored--that of our own vulnerability and survival as possibly found in the landscapes that grow us into being.