Through the shaded eyes of a man who wished to come back from college in Greece to be a teacher at the school that nourished his youth, Spoke Macabe found that life and education were a world away from what he had known. His dream job becomes a sad memory. Spoke goes to plan B, where he fi lls numerous temporary teaching assignments and learns that the best tools for today's teacher are a whip and a chair, wearing the uniform of a black and white vertically striped shirt. Disappointed with his plight, he runs away at the request of two college friends living on an island in the Indian Ocean, doing anthropological research on the world's most ancient tribe. Spoke fi nds love at the wrong time, then comes home to settle into a future for which his sheltered past left him inadequately prepared. Spoke takes on a permanent teaching job at a middle school in a highrisk neighborhood, where he must adapt to the desperate and violent life-style of his students and endure the political machine that drives public education. YET, SPOKE NEVER FORGETS TO DREAM. After a series of adventures, Spoke fi nds what he is looking for.