Along with innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship are major factors of production. These terms are receiving increased attention in the research and discourse on economic growth and development globally. Focus on development and growth in the Caribbean has, however, tended to ignore the role of these themes, with attention paid more generally to politics and governance. Today, with the Caribbean struggling to find a strong growth pole on which to anchor its future development, it is acknowledged that enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation will be the key factors of production that it must harness within a world defined by the Sustainable Development Goals.
Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development in Caribbean Small States is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the application of enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation, linking these to a sustainable development focus. While highlighting topics such as poverty reduction, business creation, and economic development, this publication offers a multidisciplinary perspective as well as the methods of future economic growth and development in the Caribbean. This book is ideally designed for business professionals, policymakers, government officials, academicians, students, and researchers interested in topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and regional development.