From prehistoric figurines and graffiti to modern digital photographs,
human beings repeatedly produced images, transforming the world itself
into a relentless fabric of images. This volume presents the proceedings
of the international conference held at the Institute of Archaeology -
UCL, London in 2014 inside the framework of the European project
"EPOCHS", with the aim to explore the fertile imaginary world of Middle
Bronze Age Egypt (2000-1500 BC). Images do not exist in their
ontological isolation, as atomic unity, but they form a complex agency
network with other images and with the society that produced them, hence
the title "Company of Images". Eighteen papers focus on this intricate
web, tackling the topic from different perspectives: material culture,
archaeological finds, anthropological and social relations, iconographic
representations, and analysis of the written sources, including
linguistic approaches. The final goal is to highlight theoretical and
methodological issues in order to explore connections between the images
and their society, people who created images and who were recursively
affected by the images they created.