John Constantine struggles with his sanity as he is haunted by memories of Epiphany. He gets so desperate, he s even willing to summon Shade, the Changing Man! Constantine s journey to sanity is a twisted one that takes him back to Meta to settle old scores. And will Constantine be able to have his happily ever after ? After he proposes to Epiphany, will more conspire to stop Constantine from getting married? This time it s different this time, it s Epiphany. Find out if the uninvited guests from Heaven and Hell succeed in ruining the wedding of the year! Including the incredible miniseries John Constantine: Hellblazer-City of Demons! When John Constantine is run over by a truck, it takes a little while for England s nicotine-fuelled magus to realize that he s perched between life and death. After a few weeks of hospital rehab, Constantine find the London streets VERY different from when he left them behind as a series of occult murders and mutilations demands his attention. The common denominator points back to the E.R. where Constantine was admitted Collecting Hellblazer #267-275 and John Constantine: Hellblazer-City of Demons #1-5.