1920. The publishing company, The Bookhouse for Children, was the brainchild of author, and editor Olive Beaupre Miller. She created a collection of children's literature that delighted both children and their parents. Miller was constantly seeking appropriate children's literature to read to her daughter. She considered stories proper if they fit three criteria: They had to be well written, make a positive ethical statement, and be graded to fit the developmental age of the child. If she was unable to find a story or poem that met all three requirements, she wrote one herself. Some of the stories and poems in this volume include: The Booms; David Copperfield and Little Em'ly; The Adventures of General Tom Thumb; The Gossamer Spider; Little Gulliver; Meg Merrilies; The Merman; The Sandpiper; A Song of Drake's Men; The Sugar Camp; Thor; Venice; and others. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.