"Vector" is an epic story with repercussions for every era and every hero in the "Star Wars" galaxy. In this second part of a two-volume series, find out what happens as Luke makes dark discoveries about his past...and his future! Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia have to deal with Vector as it crosses their paths and changes the galaxy! On the dark surface of a desolate moon, Luke meets the first Jedi since Obi-Wan Kenobi, only to realize that Celeste Morne is far different than his fallen friend - twisted by a Sith Talisman and enraged by Darth Vader! Taking in every period of "Star Wars" comics continuity, "Vector" stands both as a thrilling tale in its own right and a superb introduction to the "Star Wars" comics universe!
Visual artist(s): Scott Hepburn, Doug Wheatley, Dave Ross