A well-crafted case is like an evocative photograph, it captures a subject, invites multiple interpretations, and is rich enough to sustain repeated encounters. Each of the cases contained in this volume not only tells a story but also embodies critical issues faced by teachers, administrators, and others striving to improve our schools: What are the ripple effects when an individual teacher changes his or her methods of instruction? What does it mean for teachers to work together to bring about school reform? How is consensus for reform built across the school and larger community? Most cases on education provide snapshots of classroom interactions, focusing on the effectiveness of particular curriculum materials, assessment methods, or teaching techniques. The cases in this book instead focus on some of the challenges faced by educators and communities intent upon reforming entire schools and districts. They offer powerful opportunities for groups of educators and others to analyze and reflect on the issues of school reform as these issues emerge in particular settings and to apply their insights to their own situations. A Casebook on School Reform is a powerful catalyst for discussion. It can be used in teacher-education classes, professional development workshops, parent-teacher groups, school councils, school boards, and other community forums to analyze problems, generate and evaluate alternative solutions, and discuss and reflect upon the underlying issues. Because the cases portray conflicting perspectives with sympathy, they can even encourage dialogue among individuals with competing interests.