Positive Child Guidance 5E includes numerous revisions to make this practical, readable text even more developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive, and academically sound than its predecessor. Intended to equip adults with information for guiding, managing, and coping with children's behavior, Positive Child Guidance 5E also helps to make sense of children's efforts to understand their own emerging needs and feelings while handling adult expectations. Open-ended solutions are presented to encourage students to engage in higher levels of thinking, analyzing, and synthesizing. The text addresses the rightful positioning of both behavior modification and maturation within an overall effective guidance strategy. Positive Child Guidance 5E outlines workable methods for preventing or redirecting inappropriate behaviors and helping children grow up to be useful citizens in a democratic social structure. Innovative strategies include detailed information on using American Sign Language as a tool to empower young children in expressing themselves to support guidance. Inclusion of children with special needs is addressed in terms of guidance issues. In addition, this revised text addresses how the cultural differences of children, parents, and early childhood educators affect day-to-day guidance. Because no single guidance strategy is appropriate for all children at all ages, this book addresses typical characteristics and needs of children as they proceed through chronological and developmental stages. It provides a range of practical, effective, and flexible guidance strategies based on principles of straightforward communication and assertiveness. This book outlines practical, workablesteps for creating a cooperative, respectful community of children and adults with special emphasis on sensitivity to cultural and gender-based needs and differences.