In 1912, shortly after losing his bid to spend a third term as American President to Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt with his son Kermit, a Brazilian guide and a band of camaradas set off deep into the Amazon jungle and a very uncertain fate. Although Roosevelt did eventually return from THE RIVER OF DOUBT, he and his companions faced treacherous cataracts as well as the dangerous indigenous population of the Amazon. He became severely ill on the journey, nearly dying in the jungle from a blood infection and malaria. A mere five years later Roosevelt did die of related issues. One extraordinary factor is the resistance and disbelief the well-respected Roosevelt faced upon what should have been a triumphant return. The region was considered so dangerous that most reputable exploration societies considered Roosevelt's discoveries improbable. The Amazon emerges as a world unconstrained by the rules of civilisation, a place where an ex-president becomes just another creature struggling to survive.