When the market is flooded with competition, and the authorities are alwayson your tail, what's an all-American super villain to do? Go to Spain, ofcourse! Johnny Bolt convinces his villainous pals to pull off one last heist inthe land of bullfighting and churros - but will culture shock get to them beforethe policia do? And when Johnny's target is revealed as the Bastard, thegreatest super villain of all time, things go horribly wrong - but it's too lateto turn back. A massive secret in the American super-hero community might justwork in their favor - and if the Supercrooks can survive, it will mean anenormous payday! From the writer who brought you KICK-ASS and the artist ofSUPERIOR and SECRET INVASION! Collecting SUPERCROOKS #1-4.
Visual artist(s): Leinil Francis Yu