Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is based on the fact that certain nuclei exhibit a magnetic moment, oriented by a magnetic field, and absorb characteristic frequencies in the radiofrequency part of the spectrum. NMR is now a leading technique and a powerful tool for the investigation of the structure and interaction of molecules. The present Landolt-Börnstein volume III/35 "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Data" is therefore of major interest to all scientists and engineers who use NMR to study the structure and the binding of molecules. Volume III/35 "NMR-Data" is divided into several subvolumes and parts. Subvolume III/35A contains the nuclei B-11 and P-31, subvolume III/35B contains the nuclei F-19 and N-15, subvolume III/35C contains the nucleus H-1, subvolume III/35D contains the nucleus C-13, subvolume III/35E contains the nucleus O-17, and subvolume III/35G contains the nucleus Se-77. More nuclei are planned for future volumes.