Congratulations! You have made an important decision to take the SAT to hopefully get into your first choice college. It may only be the first step in a line of many, but it is a big one. The SAT is a challenging exam and you need to go into it well-prepared. The New SAT Exam Cram with Sample Tests on CD-ROM features a CD-ROM with 3 sample tests, a Cram Sheet tear-card with key facts, exam hints and memory joggers, and end-of-chapter quizzes and two full-length practice tests. The CD-ROM features an innovative software testing product that gives students three sample practice tests with more than 500 questions in all, and it provides you with feedback on your strengths and weaknesses and where in the book to get help for your weaknesses. You will focus on exactly what you need to know for the exam and to get your personal best possible score. The Exam Cram method is the most efficient, effective and concise method of study for the new SAT exam.