Many people call themselves a "Christian" and for the most part, truly think that is what they are. However, when it comes down to actually living by the teachings of Christ, that becomes a different matter. In this book, Greg Middleton talks very straightforwardly about what it actually takes to live Christianity according what Christ taught. For a long time this author thought of himself as a "radical Christian." Since there was so much about the religion did not fit his mind's eye, he did not feel like a true believer. Now, after years of study, he is becoming more conservative. He is beginning to understand the truth behind the gospel teachings and learning how to put them into daily living practices. In other words, he stopped fighting God. There is "God's way" of doing things, or "our way." As a Christian you are required to live to a higher moral standard than the world holds. The things you did when you were under the power of sin are no longer acceptable. When the Holy Spirit lives in you, such things will no longer feel natural. He will chastise you when you lean toward darkness, just as He will embrace you when you require godly assistance. This book is biblically based along with scriptural references where certain points are made. It may challenge you to raise your bar of expectations for yourself. I will also ask you to stop trying to be a Christian, but rather, become one. When you get too comfortable in the trying mode it becomes another habit to break. Don't be just a "try-er," but instead, be a "doer." Live your life according to the teachings of Christ, your Lord and Savior-that is, if you are a Christian. This is the subject of this QUICKbook.