Personal success isn't achieved in a vacuum. Knowing how to build and work within a network is absolutely critical to your personal effectivess. Here's how.
Networking has undergone a complete transformation. From a time when it had distatesful connotations with power-hungry megalomaniacs, who would develop social relationships to turn to their business advantage, it has become an essential but altruistic tool for those wishing to be the best they can be.
Relationships are critical to success; so often, knowing the right person to ask is as valuable as knowing the answer yourself, if not more so. Being well-connected is the ultimate source of personal effectivess and advantage. And it's now a case of shared success - with what you can give being as important as what you get out of your networking success.
So many networking books either focus on the social 'meeting people and making friends' or the overly formal 'influencing and connecting' sides to networking. Personal Networking provides a straightforward approach to building and working within networks. It delivers a practical guide to creating the kind of network that you need, and becoming a natural and effective networked communicator.