This Value Pack consists of Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Plus Grade Tracker Access Card: International Edition, 11/e by Michael T. Madigan (ISBN 9780132017848)and Essentials of Genetics: International Edition, 6/e by William S. Klug (ISBN 9780132410656)
Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Plus Grade Tracker Access Card: International Edition, 11/e
The authoritative text for introductory microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues its long tradition of impeccable scholarship, outstanding art and photos, and accuracy. It balances the most current coverage with the major classical and contemporary concepts essential for understanding microbiology. The authors clear, accessible writing style speaks to todays students while maintaining the depth and precision science majors need.
Essentials of Genetics: International Edition, 6/e
Balancing classical and modern genetics, Essentials of Genetics helps students understand basic genetics concepts, apply those concepts to biological problems, and use analytical reasoning to figure out which of many problem-solving techniques apply. This succinct overview offers clear writing and up-to-date coverage of new research that will capture students' interests. Interwoven Experimental discussions and applications illustrate the nature of scientific discovery, helping students connect the science of genetics to the issues of today.