Three volumes, including 1,700 pages
100 documents with full analysis
Eight teachers' guides
Appendixes, indexes and resource listings
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. This new edition explores the fundamental primary sources of the world's religious traditions. The three-volume set covers 100 iconic primary documents from ancient times to the present and from all geographic regions.
Each entry begins with an Overview of the importance of the document, Context, Timeline, About the Author, Explanation & Analysis of the Documents, Audience, Impact, Essential Quotes, Bibliography, Glossary and Full Text of the Primary Documents.
Milestone Documents of World Religions begins with an overview section that outlines the importance of the document. Subsequent sections in each entry include the following:
Context places the document in its historical context.
Time Line includes key events surrounding the writing of the document
About the Author discusses the authorship of the document, including a brief biographical profile of the author, if known
Explanation and Analysis of the Documents consists of a detailed examination of the document text
Audience discusses the intended audience of the document's author
Impact Outlines the historical impact of the document
Essential Quotes offers a selection of key quotes from the document
Questions for Further Study includes study questions for students
Bibliography lists books, articles, and Web sites for further research
Full text of the primary documents
Glossary defines important, difficult, or unusual terms in the document texts
Full Text of the primary document
The set covers all of the world's major religions, from Christianity and Islam to Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as other religious traditions including: Confucianism, Sikhism, Jainism, Neopaganism, Celtic, Bahá'í , Mysticism, Freemasonry, Gnosticism, Hermetica, Witchcraft, Rastafari, Shinto, Daoism, Humanism, and Atheism, plus ancient traditions from Egypt and the Near East to Greece and Africa. Among the documents included in the set are key writings from sacred texts such as the Bible, Koran, Talmud, and Rig Veda; letters and essays including Martin Luther's 95 Theses, Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist, and Druze Epistles of Wisdom; and other religious writings such as the Lotus Sutra, Analects of Confucius, Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus, Pittsburgh Platform of Reform Judaism, Rudolf Steiner's Theosophy, and the Yoruba prayer for balance. The set provides an invaluable collection of primary documents, all of which are paired with extensive original commentary to help students understand the documents and place them in their historic and religious context.
This new edition of Milestone Documents of World Religions offers an unparalleled reference tool for students conducting primary source research. It's particularly useful for high school students, and community college students and undergraduate college students in both world history and religion courses. The set provides an invaluable collection of primary documents, all of which are paired with extensive original commentary to help students understand the documents and place them in their historic and religious context.
The volumes are organized chronologically. Within each volume, entries are likewise arranged chronologically.