Poor data quality hampers today's organizations in many ways: it makes data warehousing and knowledge management applications more expensive and less effective, presents major obstacles to e-Business transformation, slashes day-to-day employee productivity, and translates directly into poor strategic and tactical decisions. In this book, data expert Michael Brackett presents ten "bad habits" that lead to poor data -- and ten proven solutions that enable business managers to transform these bad habits into best practices. Data Resource Quality is organized around ten "bad habits" organizations have fallen into: habits that inevitably reduce data quality, waste resources, increase the cost of using and maintaining data resources, and compromise business strategies. In each case, Brackett shows how the "bad habits" evolved, and exactly how to replace them with best practices that can dramatically improve data quality, starting now. Along the way, Brackett demonstrates exactly how to implement a solid foundation for quality data -- an organization-wide, integrated, subject-oriented data architecture -- and then build a high-quality data resource within that architecture. For all IT managers, consultants, and application users -- in both large and small enterprises.