Korvaava tuote: 9780789749574 Updated for 2009
Covers the critical information you’ll need to know to score higher on your CISSP exam!
- Build and manage an effective, integrated security architecture
- Systematically protect your physical facilities and the IT resources they contain
- Implement and administer access control
- Use cryptography to help guarantee data integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity
- Secure networks, Internet connections, and communications
- Make effective business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and execute them successfully
- Address today’s essential legal, regulatory, and compliance issues
- Master the basics of security forensics
- Develop more secure applications and systems from the ground up
- Use security best practices ranging from risk management to operations and auditing
- Understand and perform the crucial non-technical tasks associated with IT security
CD Features Test Engine Powered by MeasureUp!
- Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers
- Multiple test modes
- Random questions and order of answers
- Coverage of each CISSP exam domain