- The fourth edition of Objectives, Methods, and Evaluation for Secondary Teaching does more than provide a useful guide for planning, teaching and evaluating. Unlike most other methods texts, this book focuses on helping teachers decide what they want their students to learn, how their students can use the information and skills, and how they, as teachers, can determine if the instructional objectives have been achieved. Most of these questions have philosophical roots, so the text begins by building a foundation consisting of philosophic viewpoints, historical landmarks in education, and learning theories. These foundation points are then continually referred to in order to help students link theory with practice.
This text also incorporates a number of features not found in other texts. Among these are discussions of current goals discussed by the national councils in various subject areas, the factors inhibiting greater use of computers in schools, the implication of developments such as E-mail and the Internet, and multiculturalism. This text will help students better understand the problems and possible solutions. The text prepares students to walk into a classroom with an educationally sound instructional plan and implement that plan by involving students in activities concerning relevant content. It is an invaluable reference guide for both students and educators, and a tool that will enable students to engage in more meaningful discussions, both in and outside the classroom.