Yarn Twisting Dynamics presents the general differential equations of yarn twisting dynamics, describing rotational kinematics and kinetics, along with the twist blocking mechanisms of traveling yarns in straight and spatial paths. General solutions to yarn twisting dynamic equations, including twist wave propagation and twist distributions in idealized systems are also presented. Yarn tensile, torsional, and compressional properties are discussed based on yarn helical structure models. Users will find this book to be a first principles approach to yarn twisting problems in yarn manufacturing and handling systems.
Other sections cover yarn twisting dynamics and twist blockage theories, including conventional ring spinning, modified ring spinning, additive spinning (i.e., open-end spinning), constant and periodic false-twisting, rub-condensing (i.e., roving and slubbing production), false twist texturing, and carbon nanotube yarn production systems.
- Focuses on the theories and practices of twist insertion in yarn spinning and handling processes
- Written by the author who first established the general theory of yarn twisting dynamics and twist blockage from the first principles of rotational mechanics
- Analyzes and discusses yarn twisting dynamics and twist blockage theories
- Includes mathematical solutions to the equations of yarn twisting dynamics and twist blockage