This book is the result of a workshop of the "Six-Countries-Programme - the Inno- vation Initiative". The Six-Countries Programme provides an international network which was estab- lished in 1975. Since its foundation this programme has succeeded to gather politi- cal decision makers, scientists, industrialists and practitioners in innovation for early discussions of topics which later on often have become political "trajectories". The programme aims at a better understanding of innovation processes, their deve- lopment and at an assessment of the impact of science and technology on public policies and programmes. As participants do not speak as formal representatives of their institution, an informal and confidential atmosphere is created. Thus, through the discussions and the dissemination of the reports the workshops can serve as a catalyst to stimulate experts in the field to engage in analytical and empirical rese- arch work focussing on new perspectives or interrelationships, and to motivate de- cision makers in governments, companies and organisations to participate in a mul- ti-nationallearning process.