The Wizardly Journey is a colourful and diverse escapist fantasy novel, which is full of interesting characters, each of whom represent the extremes and duality of human nature. Some are dedicated to saving precious lives and fragile eco-systems, living authentically with kindness and courage, while others are selfish and hide a dark agenda. This book will take the reader on a magical journey through different cultures, myths, legends and exotic locations. As well as opening the reader's eyes to an amazing fairytale, The Wizardly Journey explores very real human issues such as conserving the planet, protecting animals, marine and avian life and the environment. A kaleidoscopic journey through the light and dark energies of humankind, this book will appeal to readers aged 13 and over. Written with the aim to giving animals a voice, The Wizardly Journey draws attention to animals' concerns and addressed them with an open mind.