To get straight to the point, Law School: Getting In, Getting Good, Getting the Gold (" GGG") is, without a doubt, one of the most important law school and legal career books currently available. There are, of course, other guides that have made a huge impact in the market for such materials; "Planet Law School" (which is now PLS II) and "Law School Confidential" are two that immediately spring to mind, and which the prospective law student has most likely heard of. But whereas PLS and LSC are rather practical in nature, which is not in itself a bad thing because being led through the practicalities of applying to law school, preparing, studying, finding jobs and so forth are obviously important, GGG offers all this and so much more. Not more of the same, however, although GGG does cover standard material such as rankings and taking exams, and thankfully chooses to omit the tedious and common-sense generic topics such as how to apply for financial aid and how to pick upper level courses during 2L/3L, while emphasizing the important subjects such as the LSAT.