Workshop participants offered a variety of suggestions to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal agencies to improve the usefulness and relevance of data on industrial research and innovation, as well as to increase efficiency in collecting and processing the data. The suggestions dealt with the need to (1) clarify policy information needs; (2) improve the quality, coverage, and collection of existing data items; and (3) identify and collect new types of data.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Introduction
2 Summary of Suggestions
3 Public Policy Information Needs
4 Need for a Conceptual Framework
5 Improving Information on Industrial R&D
6 Measuring Outputs and Outcomes of Innovation
7 Innovation Surveys
8 Public-Private Partnerships for Science and Technology Data
9 Innovation in the Service Sector and Information Technology
10 Internationalization of Innovative Activity
11 Cross-Cutting Data Issues
Appendix A: Workshop Program
Appendix B: List of Registered Participants