The story takes place in the United States in the year 2045. Half of the USA is destroyed from a previous Civil War while the other half is hanging on by a thread and taken siege by a supervillain named, Mr. Lived. Ten years later a rebellious group named, The Heretics, emerges and is sought out to take down Mr. Lived and his crew. But in order for them to do that, they need to find the chosen one. The chosen is rumored to withhold supernatural powers like his foe, Mr.Lived, but is more powerful than anyone could dream of. Luckily, The Heretics find the chosen one, but he was not what people were expecting. Instead of the chosen one being a young adult with control and knowledge of his powers like the legend explains, the chosen one is a young adolescent boy with anger issued and little to no control over his powers. To add insult to injury, the chosen one didn't know he had powers until he was joined by a Heretic member.