A good education is one that helps individuals acquire the skills necessary for living an independent and fulfilling life…
Because it is their rights and privileges that are fundamentally at stake, it behooves all persons living in the United States to know how to find the law on the Constitution.
Completely updated throughout, Researching Constitutional Law is designed for all law-related courses such as administrative law, business law, criminal justice, law and society, legal studies, and paralegal studies. The fourth edition of Researching Constitutional Law includes a new chapter dedicated to writing a legal brief. The chapter contains instructions on why and how to write such documents with a sample legal brief.
The NEW fourth edition of Researching Constitutional Law:
Explains how to use and attribute research sources aiding the reader in the avoidance of the dangerous pitfall of plagiarism.
Presents special attention to computer accessible materials due to the exponential explosion of Internet and subscription electronic services.
Includes a new contributing author, Marc George Pufong, Professor of Political Science at Valdosta State University.
Features a comprehensive bibliography that provides an externship array of books - including a list of new books in the field.