This Handbook provides an overview of neuroscience-driven research methodologies and how those methodologies might be applied to theory-based research in the nascent field of neuroentrepreneurship. A key challenge of this field is that few neuroscientists are trained as entrepreneurship scholars and few entrepreneurship scholars are trained as neuroscientists, but this book skillfully bridges that gap.
Expert contributors include concrete examples of new ways to conduct research in their contributions, which have the potential to shed light onto areas such as decision making and opportunity recognition and allow neuroentrepreneurs to ask different, perhaps better, questions than ever before. This Handbook also presents current thinking and examples of pioneering work, serves as a reference for those wishing to incorporate these methods into their own research, and provides several helpful discussions on the nature of answerable questions using neuroscience techniques.
Neuroentrepreneurship is an important, emerging field for neuroscientists and entrepreneurship scholars alike. For the former audience, this book presents concrete research questions and entrepreneurship applications; for the latter, it serves as a primer and introduction to neuroscientific methods. Graduate students studying entrepreneurship, and practitioners who are keen to promote innovation and entrepreneurial skills in their leadership, will also find this Handbook to be of interest.
Contributors include: W. Becker, C. Bellavitis, M.C. Boardman, M. Colosio, C. Couffe, M. Day, P.M. de Holan, A.A. Gorin, S. Guillory, N. Krueger, A. Passarelli, V. Pérez-Centeno, C. Reeck, L. Schjoedt, K.G. Shaver, A. Sud, T. Treffers, M.K. Ward