Text in German. Homo-, bi-, trans-anything ... well, so "just kind of different". Sexual orientations and identities have often been a topic of conversation, and not just since Marriage for All. But what to do when a gay couple wants to celebrate a big wedding and this divides the church council? What to do if your colleague confides in you that he feels he is in the wrong body - and that he finally has to teach his community that, somehow. What to do if a young person at the confectionary says that she loves girls and is bullied for it? This book cannot give simple answers either, but it can be a guide to help overcome speechlessness. With sermons and liturgy proposals, it offers ideas to get into conversation through devotions and services on the subject of homosexual, bisexual, trans * and intersexuality and to create your own prayers and services. In addition, it provides background information in the form of biographical interviews: A pastor reports about her coming out as a trans woman, and a mother talks about the care of her inter * child in a Protestant kindergarten.
Contributions by: Cornelia Kenke