This book is a comprehensive reference to the table saw. It explains how to choose a table saw to suit your needs, setting it up and provides indepth illustrated instruction in all the basic operations: - Aligning the rip fence - Ripping thin stock - Making accurate cross cuts - - Handling sheet goods - Selecting the right blade - Working safely - - Cutting dadoes, grooves and tenons - Sawing large or thick stock - This is a complete revision, making it essentially a new book. The first edition quickly became an essential tool reference for woodworkers, since the table saw is the cornerstone of any woodworking shop. The book covers how to choose a table saw to fit the owners need, it reviews all basic operations including ripping, cross-cutting, handling large stock and sheet good as well special techniques and joinery. * Illustrated step-by-step with over 200 colour photographs and black & white line drawings.