Viron itsenäistyminen ja integraatio EU:n ja Naton jäseneksi tutkimuksen valossa
Estonian Foreign Policy at the Cross-Roads For almost a century, the ‘Baltic question’ has been an integral issue of both Northern European and global international relations. The standing of three small nations has tested the relationships between the Great Powers and influenced the integration processes in Europe. Now that a totally new, less heterogeneous and more uniform political system is emerging around the Baltic Sea as a result of the EU and NATO enlargements, it is also time to reconsider the traditional approaches to foreign and security policies of the Baltic States. A working team of Estonian and Finnish historians and political scientists have contributed to a collection of articles which presents new visions on a number of key issues of Estonian and Baltic foreign policies during the 20th century and up to the present day. By presenting important historical turning points in the history and current politics of three small Baltic States, the book questions the usefulness of the traditional national narrative approach and emphasises the importance of seeing the Baltic foreign policies in a network of numerous international actors.