CD / Album
1. Forfeit Your Worthless Life
2. Forced to Have Sex
3. Selective Inbreeding
4. Terror Against Gays
5. Worm-food
6. Burn the Bitch
7. Stainless Steel Intercourse
8. A Fresh Face (To Rape)
9. Acid Bath
10. Another Dead Fucking Bitch
11. Reign of Sodom
12. Teenage Girls
13. Basket-case-fuck
14. N.M.F.
15. Silence Machine
16. The Nightmare Continues
17. Fag Killer 2.0
18. Asian Cum Shot (Topaz Dub)
19. Vicious Act of Machismo
20. Psychotic Interlude
21. Excrement Infection of the Male Urethra
22. She Never Says No
23. Dickless/Just Say Fuck
24. Immaculate Mutilation
25. Cum On Your Fucking Face
26. Don't Have a Nice Day
27. Horrifying Scenario
28. Vaginal Verman
29. There Is No God