From movie making to medical misadventures, meditations on widowhood to feminist protestations, Expectation Days is a dazzling portrayal of instances in Sandra McPherson’s life. Her autobiographical collection uses peculiar and exact language to reflect on a wide range of activities that include grouse hunting, going through airport security after 9/11, and climbing a coastal cliff. From being an unintended child to ceremonializing a lifetime “served,” McPherson speaks in both clear and distressing voices from the state of speechless fear that is bereavement.
Will the little figures ever reach the monument?
A doctor orders me to be on watch.
Will the mist pass over their cheeks
and clear the strollers’ eyes?
If so, I’ll see it. I’m on watch.
I train my eyes on paintings
to see if there is any change.
--from “On Suicide Watch”