From movie making to medical misadventures, meditations on widowhood to feminist protestations, Expectation Days is a dazzling portrayal of instances in Sandra McPhersonu2019s life. Her autobiographical collection uses peculiar and exact language to reflect on a wide range of activities that include grouse hunting, going through airport security after 9/11, and climbing a coastal cliff. From being an unintended child to ceremonializing a lifetime u201cserved,u201d McPherson speaks in both clear and distressing voices from the state of speechless fear that is bereavement. Will the little figures ever reach the monument?A doctor orders me to be on watch. Will the mist pass over their cheeks and clear the strollersu2019 eyes?If so, Iu2019ll see it. Iu2019m on watch.I train my eyes on paintingsto see if there is any change.--from u201cOn Suicide Watchu201d