This book looks at all of the ethical issues facing information and library professionals in one overarching, and practically-focused, text. As such, it is of great benefit to both practitioners and to LIS students. The focus of the book is two-fold: (1) It contains a detailed discussion of the issues that impact on the day-today practice of information workers in the 21st century; and (2) contains case studies discussing potential solutions to ethical problems faced. The book provides sections which work like flowcharts leading from ethical issues through decision points to proposed solutions based on the literature/case studies. This is a highly useful resource that provides appropriate access to potential solutions for day-to-day queries.
- Despite the coverage of ethical issues in books on copyright, freedom of information, public internet access, and data protection, this book fills the gap in drawing all of this information together, as one sourcebook
- The book can be used for regular reference
- Does not offer legal advice per se, but explains the various scenarios that have been utilised for different ethical problems in the workplace