Now available as a multimedia e-dition, the new 5th Edition of Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain, has been completely updated under new editorial leadership, together with a host of international contributors.
This established masterwork provides the most complete coverage of pain currently available. Which means that in one single resource you can now access the latest clinical research, knowledge and practical expertise concerning the neurophysiology, psychology, and assessment of every type of pain syndrome seen in practice.
Wall & Melzack's presents a complete and contemporary portfolio of pharmacologic, surgical, electrostimulative, physiotherapeutic, and psychological management options. In addition, the e-dition offers you access to a dedicated website. Giving you a comprehensive resource that continues to evolve as medical developments occur. In this website all drug information is linked to Mosby's Drug Consult, all references are linked to PubMed, and all illustrations and tables can be downloaded into PowerPoint® slides for presentations.