Career development in the 21st century presents many challenges and opportunities to adolescents. They must navigate a complex and rapidly changing world of work influenced by technology, globalisation and fluctuating economic conditions.My System of Career Influences (MSCI) (Adolescent) is a qualitative tool which can be administered in individual counselling sessions or in a group setting. It is ideally suited as a resource for classroom-based career education programs. It consists of a workbook that is completed by young client(s) and the Facilitator's Guide. The Guide contains career decision case studies and suggested learning activities that are particularly useful for practitioners working in school contexts to introduce career concepts and terms. The MSCI workbook is designed so that it can be administered on two separate occasions. The MSCI has applicability across cultures and can accommodate a wide array of career issues. This Facilitator's Guide describes the Systems Theory Framework of career development that provides the theoretical background to the MSCI as well as a step-by-step user guide to conducting the MSCI (Adolescent) process using the MSCI (Adolescent) Workbook (sold separately).With its attention to an holistic and storied approach to career intervention, My System of Career Influences (MSCI) (Adolescent) is an essential resource for all career practitioners working with adolescents.