"What an impressive pack! This Teacher's Guide is comprehensive, rigorously underpinned with theoretical perspectives and informed debate, and extensively illustrated with detailed textual examples. Well-conceived, researched, and designed, this will be a valuable and much-used resource."-Jenny Grahame, English and Media Centre, London
The action/adventure is the dominant genre of American cinema and has been for close to three decades. Yet despite being wildly popular with its target audience, action/adventure is, at best, critically neglected and, at worst, dismissed as a giveaway to undiscerning viewers. In this new edition of the acclaimed Teacher's Guide and Classroom Resources, Rob McInnes returns with his vivid engagement of the topic, going into even greater depth than other available resources. His text now references films released in the past twelve months and opens with a reassessment of traditional approaches to teaching the genre. The Teacher's Guide reviews action/adventure narrative, formal conventions, issues of representation, institutional practices, and critical debates, especially those relating to propaganda and censorship. The accompanying Classroom Resources provides photocopiable sheets for teaching the topic and covers key theoretical issues plus guidelines for practical tasks, such as storyboarding, producing a film trailer, and designing a movie poster. The pack also includes an extensive glossary.