Rev. G.E. McGregor's miraculous conversion at two o'clock in the morning set the course for this amazing story. Rev. McGregor ministered throughout South Africa, preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and saw tens of thousands saved and miraculously healed by the power of God. His uncompromising delivery of the Gospel and unwavering stand against the unjust apartheid laws, made him subject of much persecution and ridicule. In 1985, Rev. G.E. McGregor went to be with the Lord. His seven sons gathered around his open grave side and vowed to pick up their father's mantle; to continue preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their home country and around the world. While the work the late Rev. McGregor began in South Africa continued, his dream to reach other nations with the Good News of Jesus was fulfilled when his widowed wife and three of their sons embarked on a journey as missionaries to America. But their dream was nearly shuttered when they found themselves as total strangers in a foreign land...