In new forms of writing this is one of three books which represent stages of a serious artistic search for a modern dialectic of mark, word and image spanning twenty years.
With an aesthetic that dissolves conventional boundaries
of visual Art and Literature, the abstract alphabetical poem,
my it to you and the narrative proem, In the Way of It are both written solely in monosyllables.
The selection of spaced prints of alphabetical poems (such as Rubicon) in The Poetry of It was inspired initially by a surrealist experiment in automatic writing in 1988 which triggered an extensive period in which dreams errupted onto the page in the written form of fragmented words.
Written in the form of double columns, 'Mac's Story', In The Way of It, gives an account of how these works came to be made along with The Book of It, his humorous satire on contemporary capitalism published in 2010.
All three new works celebrate the Centenary of the revolution in visual language made by the avant-gardes in what Marjorie Perloff calls 'The Futurist Moment' in Modernist Art.