Johnsonburg has made paper for over 125 years. It was, and is, surrounded by forests. Thus, timber, logging and forest products sustained the town. Located within the Pennsylvania Wilds region, Johnsonburg is a sportsman's paradise. It is also a railroad town, situated at the juncture of the East and West Branches of the Clarion River; thus, bridges were important and so, unfortunately was flooding. Floods have plagued the town. In 1952, a flood control impoundment was built on the East Branch and has alleviated the frequent flooding.
The Johnsonburg paper mill changed with the times, keeping the industrial process modern and providing employment throughout the years to local residents. Logs have funneled into the mill from near and far, and paper has flowed out to enlighten the nation. Paper from Johnsonburg entertained the readers of the Saturday Evening Post.
Many of the early residents to the community were Italian-American immigrants. They have retained their ethnic identity and are proud of their heritage. Johnsonburg celebrated its bicentennial in 2010 with a large parade. They look forward to the next hundred years.