Two Kiwi motocross riders have shot to the top of the international scene in recent years, and both have huge followings in the UK and Europe where they have been riding together on the circuit. Josh Coppins, from Motueka is the older of the two, and has broken ground and led the way for his younger mate, Ben Townley, who has been able to benefit from his experience and guidance. While Ben is a bit young for his own book, he is happy to have his story to date included in Josh's book. Huge family sacrifices by the Coppins who financed his early years on the circuit, when Josh was living off the smell of the proverbial oily rag and crippling painful injuries that almost saw him paralysed have dogged Josh, but he has battled to the top despite everything that has been thrown at him, including accusations of drugs cheating. As the number one rider for Honda he has access to the world's latest in bike design, and a loyal and dedicated fan base who follow his every ride. There hasn't been a motocross book before - but then there hasn't been a rider quite like Josh Coppins.