Thomas Jefferson is best known as one of the founders of the United States. His chief love, however, was not politics, but farming. His writings abound with expressions of loathing for the former and perpetual fascination for the latter. "Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens," he wrote to John Jay in 1785. While his contributions to the field of government overshadow his many other accomplishments, he also made many brilliant and expert contributions to the development of sustainable, regenerative methods of farming.
The 11 chapters address a variety of issues that shaped Jefferson's farming including his methods, crops, alternative crops he promoted, farm machinery, his workers (overseer, slaves, and free workmen). Monticello, landscaping practices, and his plans for a school of botany at the University of Virginia.
This book also brings to the fore the human qualities of the man in relation to both his family and his country and shows that his aspirations for both were habitually put before his own. Here is yet another way to understand that without Thomas Jefferson, America would have become a different nation.