What does it mean to be human? What is evolution? How should we define “survival”? These questions are at the heart of the anthology Human Evolution and Survival, which introduces students to important concepts in anthropology.
The opening chapter shares student-generated definitions of human, evolution, and survival. These definitions set the tone for the rest of the book and establish boundaries for exploring concepts that touch on both science and philosophy.
Subsequent chapters explore a variety of topics including:
How scientific method is used to question, test, and re-test data
What to do when confronted with scientific error—even one's own
Nature vs. Nurture/Genetics vs. Culture
Pre-hominids and controversies surrounding them
The material is examined from several viewpoints. What is the role of genetics, and is our humanity inherent in our very cell structure? How does history shape our understanding of our humanity? Are we that different from our closest relatives—the Great Apes? How do we interpret the fossil record?
Human Evolution and Survival teaches students to question, think critically, and debate who we are, how we got that way, and how we will survive into the future. The text includes worksheets for studying genetic traits, discussion questions, and dermatoglyphics (fingerprinting) and PTC-tasting laboratories. Chapters also include links to related websites, allowing for further study.
Human Evolution and Survival can be used in courses on Human Evolution, Physical Anthropology, and Biological Anthropology. It is also appropriate for courses on Genetics and Diversity.