Recent improvements at Enterride‘s Trail Rider Memphis Operation bought Pete Grant, the Trail Rider Plant Manager, and his team a little more time, but Pete knew much more was needed to save the plant. They needed a breakthrough, a true game changer. Then someone told Pete about a process called 3P that could lead to unprecedented improvement when utilized during major change programs. Could this be just what he was looking for?Unleashing the Power of 3P: The Key to Breakthrough Improvement follows Pete and his team as they journey through Lean and the Production Preparation Process (3P). Using an easy-to-follow story, it allows readers to tag along as the team learns how to trim waste, increase efficiency, and bring their plant back from the brink. You‘ll learn from the team‘s mistakes and follow them as they visit a hospital and learn how Lean and 3P can be applied in any industry. A go-to guide for 3P execution, this book:
Details a proven methodology for successful implementation of even the most aggressive corporate change programs
Presented in workbook format with real-world examples
Uses an engaging story to guide readers through a 3P project from beginning to end
Suitable for beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners of continuous improvement
The book outlines time-tested methods that can be applied to any combination of product, process, and facility design to reduce costly redesign iterations and associated delays. Based on a true story, it takes you on a journey as Enterride completes a new production start-up in dramatically reduced time and cost. Lean and 3P can transform your organization. Let Enterride‘s journey show you just how transformative they can be.
Watch co-author Drew Locher discuss how 3P can stop project delays and increase efficiency in your organiz