There is an urgent need to rethink relationships between systems of government and those who are ‘governed’. This book explores ways of rethinking those relationships by bringing communities normally excluded from decision-making to centre stage to experiment with new methods of regulating for engagement.
It innovatively explores how we can better apply a ‘bottom-up’ approach to the design of regulatory systems that recognise the capabilities, knowledge, passions and creativity of citizens in communities at the margins.
Contributions by: Annie Oliver, David Frayne, Penny Evans, Makala Cheung, Ari Cantwell, Greg Leo Bond, Jenny Barke, Janet Newman, Bronwen Morgan, Eva Elliott, Gareth Thomas, Gabrielle Ivinson, Emma Renold, Nathan Evans, Debbie Watson, Kitty Webster, Naomi Millner, Helen Thomas-Hughes, Helen Manchester, Therese O’ Toole, Sue Cohen, Martin Innes, Marilyn Howard