Perfect for high school and university students and general researchers, Top Stories 2010: Behind the Headlines examines ten critical global issues that captured world attention in the past year. These events and issues -- from the Afghan War to the rescue of the Chilean miners -- helped shape the conversation of the global community. Collaboration and conflict, global development and sustainability, personal and national autonomy and world security -- these key concepts and more are played out in these major contemporary events. These issues also provide touch points for illuminating concepts of personal responsibility, national sovereignty, and global community. Designed to facilitate learning around the major thematic strands in social studies, this first edition single-volume set, arranged alphabetically, provides an accessible, dramatic retelling of each event in order to encourage discussion. Each event is grounded in its historical, cultural, and economic context. Each chapter is stunningly illustrated with images and graphics that engage students and support 21st century skill development, including effective reasoning, information evaluation, and global awareness.