Is the prize of the Welfare State - security from cradle to grave - really being won by those in need of some support? Or is the all-encompassing state-owned giant now nurturing a population of "can't dos" driven by dependency, negative thinking and low-self esteem? We are all dependant to some extent, no man is an island, but the levels of dependency inherent within our culture now are unforeseen. Are we programming future generations to be unable to make decisions, to guide their own lives, to be as un-dependant as possible? Wouldn't the world be better if all citizens were empowered and engaged to be their own life force? If citizens were able to shape their own destiny? Drawing upon a two decade career in leadership and personal development Paula McCormack explores the dependency culture, and analyses its disempowering outcomes. She also examines the untapped potential of social leaders to bring others out of the world of dependency. This is a timely piece, written as it is during the longest, deepest and most unexpected recession of modern times, with no economist or politician yet brave enough to predict the end date, or the bottom of the dip. Paula shows how by utilising her adaptive approach, social leaders can become the key to unlocking the hidden potential within our society. If you are ready to think outside of the current paradigm, if you are ready for a shift in values and behaviours, if you are ready to change and adapt - this is the book for you.