Fundamentals of Criminal Practice: Law and Procedure focuses on the types of actions that are taken by the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and paralegals who handle criminal cases. From investigation and discovery, to trial and sentencing, this text traces every step of the way through four hypothetical criminal cases that illustrate procedure, raise discussion questions, and engage students in skill-building exercises. Realistic and practical, Fundamentals of Criminal Practice prepares paralegal students for success in a prosecutor or defense counseland#8217;s office.
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Complete and practical, Fundamentals of Criminal Practice: Law and Procedure, features:
a logical three-part organization
Criminal Law: The criminal justice system, principles of criminal law, and types of criminal offenses
Criminal Procedure: From commission of the offense to plea bargaining and diversion
Criminal Procedure: Trials and their aftermath
an emphasis on the role of paralegals, lawyers, and law enforcement in criminal cases
four hypothetical cases woven throughout the text that illustrate procedure, raise discussion questions, and offer opportunities for research exercises
a state reckless homicide charge, involving drunk driving
a drug possession case that could be prosecuted in either state or federal court
two federal securities fraud cases
coverage of both white collar and and#8220;street crime, and#8221; from both state and federal perspectives
excerpts from statutes, court opinions, investigative reports, and pleadings
Strong pedagogy
discussion questions
marginal definitions
references to useful websites
end-of-chapter review questions
assignments that mirror the tasks a paralegal would perform in a prosecutor or defense counseland#8217;s office